Re-skin Policies

Wilbert the Forest Engine Productions

All assets, everything goes with credit.


The Great Western Scot 9

Levi - Fully reskinnable, allowed to put reskins on other sites, just be sure to credit Wing and I

Jinty - Fully reskinnable, allowed to put reskins on other sites, just be sure to credit Ricardo and I



My models will only be reskinnable with direct permission from myself, No Exceptions.



I will except any reskins from any of my models, with credit of course 


Sniper SIP

I don't care if you reskin my content this may change if I'm working with other members 


The Negotiator? Yes, that’s me.

All assets, can be reskinned and configs can be edited.



Thomas Cube - Reskinners have smol brain lol
GCR Robinson Atlantic Henry - Throw me a DM first to confirm if it's ok with me
Among us Thomas - No reskins lol
Flip face Thomas - Read the rule for the among us Thomas


All of the current stuff on the site commissioned by AP is able to be re-skinned.