Retro-Styled Locos

Engines in the style of old Trainz content. Like Classic Si3D and UKBL. Whether they be mesh mods or original models. All Si3D Classic Style content is able to be reskinned.

Here is the Red Engine, who tried to push Henry out of the tunnel. It's not known when he came to Sir Topham Hatt's railway, or if he was sent away. However he was seen when Henry prepared to sneeze at the boys who threw stones at him and his coaches.

Before Henry was the 4-6-0 we all know him as he used to be 4-6-2 like Gordon, and looked a lot like him. However he was built with a firebox that was too small and couldn't make steam properly, that was rectified when the Fat Controller gave Henry access to welsh coal, which burns hotter than regular coal. After Henry's accident with the Flying Kipper Sir Topham Hatt decides to give Henry a straight-up rebuild at Crewe Works as the welsh coal began to get too expensive. Turning him into the engine we know today. 

Credit to The Great Western Scot for the blue livery.

 The Other Red Engine was a big red engine that worked on the Fat Controller's Railway in the early days. Not much is known about him, whether if he was kind or if he was like 98462 or 87546, rude and nasty. Like before, it's not known if Sir Topham Hatt kept him or sent him away after Henry was let out of the tunnel.

Jinty is one of Percy's friends from the mainland, who came to do Percy and his other friends' work while they were away in London.

Thomas has been through a lot. Over 75 years can do that to an engine, so to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Thomas the Tank Engine book, here's a pack of different Thomas', and a few more.

Narrow Gauge Engines